Introduction: Knex Mp-40 Intsructions

About: Hey there. I won't add too much info here, as it'll show up as one big paragraph. I'm not super active anymore, on here.
hello! these are the instructions  for my knex mp-40 model
some stats:
- good looks
- doesn't shoot
- charging handle moves
- folding stock
- removable magazines

Step 1: Front Barrel

how to build the front-most part
don't read this, get buildin'!!

!!warning: one black micro-knex rod is required!!

Step 2: Front-body

this part has the mag and charging handle in it

Step 3: Back-body

here are the handle, stock, trigger and back sights

if you've build this, youre almost done

Step 4: The Mag(s)

here you will learn how to build magazines for this gun

Step 5: Building It

w00t building time! most fun part!!

Step 6: Finished!!

you have finished the gun. Now go play with it, hang it on youre wall, mod it or whatever you want.
If you've build it, show me a photo and i'll include it in this step

pic1: mine
pic2: 2000smartkid's