Introduction: Knex Shotgun

About: I shoot stuff, make funny videos , mess around with mt bro play my ds and other cool stuff boys find fun
basicly a shot gun you've all been waiting for

it shoots 'bout 20 ft with normal ammo and almost 30 with a arrow head it holds 13 (or twelve if your supersticious)in a autoload hopper at the top

to load you just push the pump fordward(you did pull it back but like the shifle it would pull down the front of the gun)

i also have a shotgun round as seen in step 2 which i will be showing you how to make

sorry its not finished its the same with my disc launcher

Step 1: Ammo

this is all the ammo

left; special shotgun round

top;general long range ammo

bottom;ha ha ha the fun of the pump