Introduction: Knex Sidearm RSN-33

this is my sidearm
I made it to complement other guns i will build in the future
i plan to make at least five instructables this summer (please dont hold me to this cause things change)

low peice count
pretty good range for a sidearm (45ft with two brand new rubberbands)

i dont really like how it looks
not super sturdy (but sturdy enough)
long reload time

it has a capacity of 7 grey connectors

Now get to building

Step 1: Handle

this is just your average handle with a little added comfort

1. build two
2. build these
3.add peices from pic 2 to to one of the peices from pic1
4. put the 2nd peice from pic one on
5. build these
6. put them on the side of the hand you hold the gun (ex. if you hold the gun in your right hand put them on the right side) then put a rubberband around them to hold them in place

Step 2: Barrel and Mag

1. build 2
2.put those on one of the peices u just made it
4.clip it together
5. put the reds on at the bottom do it on both sides
there is also tape on the 3rd and 4th snowflake connector to hold the greens in do that on both sides

Step 3: Trigger, Ram, and Mag Push

build one of each thing
pics 1 and 2 are diff veiws of the trigger
3. build it
4. build it
I cut the end notch thing off the grey rod and I glued the yellow to the Grey rod

Step 4: Assembly

pretty easy
1. handle to barrel
3. ram and mag pusher put in (as if u didnt know where they went)

Step 5: Rubberbands

do what you want with what you have but this is how I did it
srry for blurry pics

Step 6: Your Done!!

Hooray!! go shoot some stuff

play at your own risk