Introduction: Knex Strong Monney Box
this is my knex strong monney box. i built this because i needed somwhere to put lots of change i have. it is realy strong and has a secret way of opening it. it can hold alot of coins but it may be hard to pull paper monney out. i think this is the first knex monney box on the whole of the internet (again)!!! if people have trouble working out how to open it i will add a video (i will make it smaller this time). have fun building. :)
wow i got 47 views and 2 ratings and 4 comments in 2:30 hours on this 1 instructable!!!
i have done some small changes to it making it stronger and allowing you to use paper monney and it has a small hole to put coins in through but some times the coins can fall out. should i post it as a update???
lol i edited it a bit more and now it is a one-way monney box!!! seriously i cant get it open!
wow i got 47 views and 2 ratings and 4 comments in 2:30 hours on this 1 instructable!!!
i have done some small changes to it making it stronger and allowing you to use paper monney and it has a small hole to put coins in through but some times the coins can fall out. should i post it as a update???
lol i edited it a bit more and now it is a one-way monney box!!! seriously i cant get it open!
Step 1: Piece Count
this uses a hell of alot of blue rods and red connectors so get the following pieces ready...
4 yellow rods ha this uses no pieces at all...
43 blue rods thats not so bad...
92 red connectors i retake my last 2 statments...
4 yellow rods ha this uses no pieces at all...
43 blue rods thats not so bad...
92 red connectors i retake my last 2 statments...
Step 2: Build All of This Stuff
just build the stuff.
Step 3: Add Rods Where Shown
add rods where shown.
Step 4: Assembly
do as the pictures say and your done
Step 5: Opening and Closing
this part may be hard to understand.