Introduction: Knex Tower
Hey so this is how you make my knex tower. This is my first instructable so I hope you all enjoy. START BUILDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Step 1: Parts for the Tower
for this tower you need skinny knex rods and connectors
[knex skinny rods]
skinny orange:17
skinny blue:37
skinny purple:19
skinny red:42
skinny gray:14
skinny yellow:5
skinny black:8
[small knex connectors]
small purple two way connectors:3
small blue slot connectors:80
small gray slot connectors:10
small light curved connectors:12
small yellow 90 degree connectors:4
total parts=251 parts
[knex skinny rods]
skinny orange:17
skinny blue:37
skinny purple:19
skinny red:42
skinny gray:14
skinny yellow:5
skinny black:8
[small knex connectors]
small purple two way connectors:3
small blue slot connectors:80
small gray slot connectors:10
small light curved connectors:12
small yellow 90 degree connectors:4
total parts=251 parts
Step 2: First Levels
The parts for the first levels are: skinny blue rods:36, skinny orange rods:15, and blue slot connectors:40
Step 3: The Connnection to the Next Level
The parts you need for the connection are:skinny orange rods:1, skinny purple rods:6, skinny red rods:6, skinny gray rods:8, skinny blue rods:1, small blue slot connectors:4, small gray slot connectors:4, small light gray curved connectors:4, small yellow 90 degree connectors:4, and small two way purple connectors:2
Step 4: The Second Level
The parts you need for the second level are: skinny purple rods:12, skinny red rods:32, and small blue slot connectors:32
Step 5: The Tip of the Tower
The parts you need for the tip of the tower are: skinny orange rods:1, skinny purple rods:1, skinny red rods:4, skinny gray rods:10, skinny yellow rods:5, skinny black rods:8, small blue slot connectors:12, small gray slot connectors:6, and small light gray curved connectors:8
Step 6: You're Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This the end of the tower. I hope you all enjoyed building this tower. If you have any comment or questions I would be happy to answer any of them.