Introduction: Knex Uzi Smg

this is a fairly powerful knex smg although its nowhere near as good as things that knex artillery,the jamalan or killerk make its still quite good as a side arm if you shorten the mag this is my first instructable so if you thing that it could be better please leave a comment saying how if you want me to post the other version leave a comment

Step 1: Barrel

for the trigger to work you have to make the clip on the underside of the barrel

instead of the red connector use a green connector on the end of the barrel

Step 2: The Breech

now make the breech

Step 3: The Handle and Mag

this is the mag and obviously the handle because its an uzi
sorry that it is already connected to the breech and barrel but i forgot to take a picture but you will probably get it anyway

Step 4: Connecting the Peices

connect the breech to the barrel and the mag to the breech
this is a pic with the trigger attached but dont build that until the next step

Step 5: Making and Attaching the Trigger

it is really important that you do this bit exactly if you screw this up the gun wont work

Step 6: The Ram and Mag Push

make and attach the ram first
btw the first pic is the ram the second pic is the mag push

Step 7: Handle

these arent necessary but they make it easier to use

Step 8: Mods

i have made a new stock,a detachable barrel thats meant to be a silencer and a front handle