Introduction: Knex V1 High Powerd Cross Bow
info on the gun
things not to do
dont shot you self with this gun it will go in to you and hert like hell
dont shote at pets (IT WILL MANE THEM OR EVEN KILL THEM)
Step 1: The Bow
this is a very long part of billding the gun but it is well wurth it .
Step 2: Top Half of Barell
this is only half of the barell the other half is on the next step
Step 3: Botem Half of Barell
this part is nilley the same as the other half of the barell
Step 4: The Triger
Step 5: But of the Gun
Step 6: The Handel
Step 7: Adding the Bands
you need 3 to 4 layers of bands to get the best out of the gun dont add eney more than this other wice you mite get the hole bow smashing you in the face and that will hurt like hell.
Step 8: Amou the Gun Shotes
i would say this is the best bullit to use
and your finished enjoy shooting
and your finished enjoy shooting