Introduction: Knex Benillie Montefeltro Shotgun
here's the benillie montefeltro shotgun. this is one of my most sturdy gun it used that break action shells mechanism from s0lekill3r.
it shoots about 40 ft
p.s don't shoot on the santa because i want some presents too
if you want to shoot on somebody shoot on your little brother
don't forget to rate
if you want to know something post a comment
and check out my newest forum
part list by killjoy (thanks for that)
White 76
Orange 70
Red 14
Grey 69
Light Grey 1
Yellow 91
Blue 2
Green 5
Broken White 1
Broken Blue 1
Grey 12
Yellow 16
Blue 38
Green 192
White 193
Bendy Orange 1
Black "Reinforced Grey" 2
Ballsocket 4
Balljoint 12
Hinge With Hole 3
Hinge With Point 1
Blue Spacer 4
Y connector 27
Tan Clip 2
Thats a total of about 837 parts.
it shoots about 40 ft
p.s don't shoot on the santa because i want some presents too
if you want to shoot on somebody shoot on your little brother
don't forget to rate
if you want to know something post a comment
and check out my newest forum
part list by killjoy (thanks for that)
White 76
Orange 70
Red 14
Grey 69
Light Grey 1
Yellow 91
Blue 2
Green 5
Broken White 1
Broken Blue 1
Grey 12
Yellow 16
Blue 38
Green 192
White 193
Bendy Orange 1
Black "Reinforced Grey" 2
Ballsocket 4
Balljoint 12
Hinge With Hole 3
Hinge With Point 1
Blue Spacer 4
Y connector 27
Tan Clip 2
Thats a total of about 837 parts.
Step 1: The Body + Trigger
follow the pictures
Step 2: The Grip
this part i really like
just follow the pictures
just follow the pictures
Step 3: The Barrel
ghtydvnrnvdkf just follow the pictures again
Step 4: The Stock
Step 5: Connect Them
connect all the parts
Step 6: Ram Shells and How to Load and Fire
this is the only step I typ so
1 put the ram backwards
2 take the shells
3 put two green rods in the shells or one white rod
4 break the shotgun
5 put the shells in the body look to picture 2 and 3
6 break it back
7 pull the trigger
8 take the ram back
9 break the shotgun
10 take off the shells
11 repeat all the steps
1 put the ram backwards
2 take the shells
3 put two green rods in the shells or one white rod
4 break the shotgun
5 put the shells in the body look to picture 2 and 3
6 break it back
7 pull the trigger
8 take the ram back
9 break the shotgun
10 take off the shells
11 repeat all the steps