Introduction: K'nex Dog
An easy toy-sized k'nex dog. I will show you how to do it.
Step 1: The Supplies
You will need : a K'nex set
Step 2: The Legs
Build the legs like this 4 times. Don't mind how the legs look they will turn out to look very good.
Step 3: Build the Body
Once you have the legs done build the body like this.
Step 4: Build the Tail
Use only two pieces for the tail like this.
Step 5: The Head Part 1
make the circular part of the head. Be sure it looks circular and non-crooked.
Step 6: The Head Part 2
use the bendy k'nex pieces two make the back of the head. Make sure the pieces are long enough.
Step 7: The Head Part 3
make the face of the dog. It might be a little confusing to make it stick out.
Step 8: The Face
Give the dog a face by making it a nice, real-looking, front of the face.
Step 9: Finished!!!!
looks cool doesn't it? I hoped you liked it!