Introduction: Tiny Shooter

About: I have a knack for making functional miniatures. Stay tuned for more interesting projects.
Shoots small bits of pencil tips/toothpicks and stuff  as ammo!

One can make this in <15 minutes with stuff around

Take safety precautions while making and using the same as it shoots really far the ammo

Step 1: In Action

Step 2: Materials

You will need the following

1. lollipop stick/tubing/ empty ball-point refill
2. paper clip
3. thin elastic rubber band
4. wire
5. pin

Needle nose plier  to shape and cut the wire

Step 3: Getting Started

Take the paper clip, open it and make the plunger  as shown

  Shape a piece of wire to make the gun end

Step 4: Mechanism

Cut the plunger using the pliers

Tie the elastic band to get a smaller rubber band

Cut the lollipop tube to half, making sure it is bigger than our plunger

Make a tiny hole in the area shown on the tube

For holding the trigger make a small loop in the gun end wire by rolling it around a paper pin

Step 5: Mechanism Contd.

Pass the rubber band in the plunger end

Make a trigger by rolling the wire with a loop in the center

Tie up the gun-end wire as shown

Step 6: Trigger Mechanism

Making the trigger mechanism is a bit tricky

Use a pin to hold the trigger in position as shown below

This trigger should be able to hold the plunger when the rubber band mechanism is pulled.

Step 7: Assembly

Take a bit of wire and securely tie to make kind of magazine

this will serve to hold the rubber mechanism in place

Assemble as indicated and pull to arm the shooter

Step 8: Finishing Touches

The trigger needs to be pressed in the aperture so as to hold the plunger when armed,

when pulled it can shoot your ammo

You can also use a tiny rubber band to press the trigger in place (not shown here)

Use your imagination and design other accessories like gun sights, handles etc.