Introduction: Macro Camera Photography

About: cheap and easy tricks
hi people ,nowadays macro photography is on top and to do that you require a macro lens for your phones costing around $20 so now in this instrucable make it in $0.00 , the problem is my phones camera was vga and 5 mp so pics r not dat clear
a better phone may help

Step 1: Gather

1x phone with camera
1x cotton bud
1x pointy thing, i used a paint brushes back
1x water container

Step 2: Start

take the point , dip in water and drop it on camera
it will not harm your device, camera glass is waterproof
you r done

Step 3: Take Photos

now take pictures
autofocus will not work
this is a 2 rupee pakistan coin
this text is microscopic on the coin , the other is tissue
it will also take pics of fingerprints
good luck
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