Introduction: Magazine Wallet!
How to make an easy wallet with tons of pockets in 5 minutes !
things you will need
clear packaging tape
a pencil
things you will need
clear packaging tape
a pencil
Step 1: Finding the Right Magazine
find 2 pages of a magazine . for example:
boys life
martha stewart
bon appatete
boys life
martha stewart
bon appatete
Step 2: Creating Your Wallet 1
rip out the 2 pages you choose and put the page you want to see on the outside. Then fold the papers until they are a little bigger than a playing card.
Step 3: Putting It All Together
now take that clear packaging tape and wrap it all around your wallet. press down on the bumps with something like a pencit to smooth it out. cut off the top
Step 4: Tah-dahhh
now you have a easy and cool wallet!!!! please leave comments