

Inbox View Profile
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I am an artist and clothing designer with a passion for helping others bring their own creative dreams to life.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Fabric Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Fabric Challenge
Leather Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Leather Challenge
Trash to Treasure Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Trash to Treasure Contest
Big vs Small Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Big vs Small Challenge
Bag Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Bag Contest
DIY Dress Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the DIY Dress Contest
Wear It! Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Wear It! Contest
squeeze more awesome out of summer contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the squeeze more awesome out of summer contest
Hair & Makeup Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Hair & Makeup Contest
Sew Warm Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Sew Warm Contest
Fashion Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Fashion Contest

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