Introduction: Microphone Music Stand

I play music,and don't like music stands can't seem to get them where I want to get them,and if you're like me, I have a hard time seeing the music cause they seem so far away,I had a microphone music stand a few years ago but you know how it is somehow things just get away from you,in this town where I live they just don't have a good music store anymore so I figured I'd make my own.

Step 1: Microphone Music Stand

Take a piece of wood 3x 20 or what ever size  you want split it down the middle,then drill a3/4 inch hole in it then turn it on it's side and drill two holes in it and put 2 wing nuts through it,then 2 holes at the bottom and 2 bolts and wing nuts that's to attach the top.

Step 2: Microphone Music Stand

I made the top 18x 20,notched 3/4 inch at top so it won't move, drilled 4 holes at the bottom 2 so they can hold the top slate and the other 2 go to the other 3x 20 piece at the bottom attach the bottom piece to the mike stand,then attach the top screw it all together and there you go simple a music stand and mike stand all in one, I hope this will help,if I didn't make it clear as I should sorry,I'm not a good teacher at all.