Introduction: Modifying the POWER MONGER

About: I am interested in anything plasma/electricity/tesla related don't know why maybe its because i got shocked by a baseboard heater when i was but a pcb board. since then I've always had a keen need/fascination …

so in one of my previous instructables, I was asked something along the lines of "How efficient is this EMP gun?" and i thought to my self "well its not a 'gun' considering the blast of electromagnetic radiation is spheroid in shape, but it can be and it wouldn't take much to change that so i replied. "it can if modified with a parabolic dish and a slightly smaller coil." so obviously it didn't take long for me to start this instructable. so what you are going to need is a lot of the same stuff as the POWER MONGER like

required tools/people/things

1: Hands

2: a brain (anyone will do but preferably one you already own, i suggest the one you may or may not carry with you at all times

3:soldering iron (preferably with solder but if you can make it work without kuddos

4:wire strippers/cutters/scissors/a lit candle (really anything that can strip a wire will work i suggest the candle just make sure you're in a well ventilated area like an enclosed concrete or metal box, kidding a bedroom works better as long as it has a window or a fan or both.i suggest both at the same time.)

5: standard flat head screwdriver, or whatever you prefer to get the camera open with

6:batteries lots of them or just a variable power supply i suggest one made with a computer psu

7 volt meter or continuity tester or a battery+light bulb

8: definately not a fear of getting shocked its not going to kill you but it might kinda feel good or hurt depends if your a masochist or not

9: an understanding parent or roommate or better half not required and not necessary if your you're a hermit

10: hot glue gun with glue sticks there is almost no alternative that is cheaper except maybe jb weld
11: caulking gun ( to insulate the capacitor heads. trust me the shock from this thing would not be fun to endure even if you're a masochist.) with a varied amount of caulking depending on the amount of capacitors.


these last three tools are no longer optional considering this build is not only safer to use health wise (probably) and much more in depth

materials required

1: disposable camera

2: giant capacitors the more the merrier

3: 1*8*??? the total length depends on how massive and range you want

4: parabolic dish size depends on how big/far the thing you want to fry is

5: large toggle switch size depends on what room you have

6: much larger momentary switch make sure its capable of handling the amount of electricity the capacitors can hold if its a little to small you can insulate between the leads to prevent arcing

7: you no longer will need tin foil as long as you're behind the parabolic dish

8: magnet wire (this can be salvaged from a CRT television its located around the tube attached to the front face around the screen

9: small empty pill bottle

So lets get started.

Step 1: Making a New Coil

this is where you're going to need the empty pill bottle we are using it to make a small coil to point one of the ends directly at the dish which we'll modify in the next step, firs cut out two thick cardboard circle about an in bigger than the radius of the pill bottle cut the center of these out the same radius of the pill bottle. next put one on the pill bottle as far to the top as possible, then hot glue it to the bottle with the glue on the top side of the bottle. second we are going to measure a distance from the first cardboard disk to the generalized direction of the bottom about 1.5 inches and glue the second disk so that the glue is on the bottom side of the cardboard. Now we're going to start winding the coil, if you salvaged the mag wire then you have the perfect amount, make sure to leave about 2.5 feet/76.2 centimeters at both ends of the coil, I suggest that you mark the ends of the coil, then glue one of the marks to the beginning/end of the coil to the cardboardand begin wrapping. wrap the cylinder, between the cardboard disks, with the wire making as many layers as possible keep in mind to insulate between layers so the wire doesn't sink between the bottom layer. try to keep close to the same number of wraps for each layer. I suggest you make the coil neat, tight, and uniform on every layer. when you reach the mark on the other end of the wire stop where you are and put a strip of hot glue from one side of the coil to the other, then cap it off with electrical tape to make sure it will never unwind. carefully using a sharp knife, remove the cardboard from the glue holding it to the bottle. and gently remove the coil and put 3 thin strips of hot glue evenly spaced on the interior of the coil to hold the interior together as well. the coil is now finished. I think you will find it worth your time to click next step now.

Step 2: Modifying Your Satellite Television... I Mean Dish.

now the kind of dish you use is very important, first it shouldn't have any holes in... were going to call it the reflector. and it must still have the arms where the receiver was, if the receiver is still attached that would be ideal other wise you're going to have to find the true focal point which requires foil tape light and a piece of paper.

if your's has the receiver then skip mini step one

mini step 1: To do this cover the inside of the reflector with the foil tape place the newly coated dish in a well lit area. Use the paper to intersect the light that bounces off the foil toward the focal,being careful not to let the paper to start to burn, and measure the distance from the arms if the arms aren't there then measure three lengths of string from 3 evenly spaced points on the dish take the average of the lengths and make a bracket to go from the bottom of the dish to a point below the focal point the distance of the radius of the pill bottle. If that last part was confusing I will attempt to show you using the may skip mini step 2:

mini step 2: if you already had the receiver and arms take a saw and remove a layer of plastic on the receiver so that you can see the focal point it should be obvious if its not well do the first part of minis step 1 after that measure the distance between the bracket and the focal length keep that number in mind or just wright in directly on the reflector, it doesn't hurt the signal I promise. Now remove the receiver and...


Step 3: Combining the Coil and Dish

now you have the true focal point and a bracket now what you need to do is place the coil onto the bracket in such a way as to have the best signal transmission to do this we need to place the coil so that the center of it becomes the focal point, then rotate it so that you may see directly through the coil and on the other side you may see the center of the dish. now this may sound difficult but it's really simple. i'll try to describe it with pictures. make sure to route the wires from the coil down one of the bracket lines. now moving on... to the next step.

Step 4: Follow My Original Instructable.

Step 5: Now Be Smart About It

i do not suggest wearing or bringing this device any where near anyhospital

  • school
  • cop shop
  • stupid pearson's house
  • anyone with a heart monitor device
  • anyone with epilepsy
  • anywhere outside of your house
  • anywhere
  • hospital

so to recap make sure it's legal to build in the place you live i know it's legal to build in america but not sure about individual states. so have fun be safe sorry for not having pictures i built it a while ago and wasn't planning on making this instructable again have fun be safe i am not responsible for your possible imprisonment in federal prison and use the caulking gun to insulate the capacitor heads and i can't say this enough have fun be safe. do not use this near any form of electronic device you love or care about and if you build this please tell me it's range and if you can its frequency i was not able to test that in a safe place before the cops illegally stole it from me. so be safe.

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