Introduction: Office Fight Blowgun

About: I like supersmash and like to make knex guns in my spare time and i play videogames and my favorite cadigory is shooter.
I had an old sugar tube and made it into a blow gun.Good for office fights. By reading on or makeing anything you agree that its not my fault if you or someone else is severely hurt or dead.Ha now you can't sue me. The second pic. shows where I got it from.

Step 1: Gather Matiereals

what you need:
scotch tape
thumb tacks
q tips
old sugar tube. like the one's from Disneyland.

Step 2: Main Weapon

Cut off the end of the sugar tube so their is about 4-5 inches left and wrap around with duct tape to strenghten it.

Step 3: Ammo

Pic .1 Finished ammo.
Pic.2 Get a thumb tack.
pic.3 Get a q-tip and pull both of the cotten sides off.
Pic 4 Take some scotch tape and put the cotten on the top of it like in the picture.
Pic 5-6. Put tape on the edge of the thumb tack and pinch so it goes around with the cotten sticking out.

Step 4: Fireing

Put the dart in.(front faceing out of the barrel).Slightly suck in so the ammo is near the yellow.
Suck alot of air in and BLOW!!!