Introduction: Outdoor Fireplace Made From a Reclaimed Gas Fireplace
So, I had this L.P vent free fireplace that we haven't used in a couple of years, mainly because it used a lot of propane, and the oxygen censor always would get dust in there causing it to shut off all the time. I placed an ad on craigslist hoping that I could get at least 25 bucks for it, but I couldn't find any takers. I set it outside thinking maybe someone would want it, but that didn't work either. Today, I decided that I would convert it into an outdoor fireplace. It took me about an hour to do. I used a piece of extra stove pipe, my cutting torches, screwdriver, (Philips), end wrench, and a pair of pliers.
Step 1: Tearing Out the L.p Stuff
The first thing I did was look it over, and figure out if it was even possible to get the gas stuff out of there. To my surprise, everything was mounted to a plate inside there, and all I had to do was remove all of the nuts and bolts that held the plate to the structure. It was nice that it all came out as one unit, instead of piece by piece!
Step 2: Void
Once I got everything out, I was left with this void.... but I had an Idea on exactly how I was going to re-arrange a couple of things to make it function without adding too much "foreign" stuff into the mix.
Step 3: So "grate" Ful
I was aware from the beginning that sitting on top of this fireplace was this grate, used for cosmetic purposes?. I popped it out, and set it on the inside fire area and marked it where I needed to cut it to make it fit.
Step 4: Making It Fit
The only thing at my immediate disposal to cut metal with was my torches. I would have liked to use my reciprocating saw, but my metal blade was shot, and didn't want to run to the hardware to get a new one. The wind was blowing a little which was a real big help because I was burning the paint as I was cutting the metal. Doing this outside Is definitely the way to go instead of in the garage.
Step 5: Adding the Stove Pipe
In this step, I placed the stovepipe where I thought was a good place, and outlined around it with my marker. I cut on the inside of my marked line so that I would have a tight fit. I don't have the steadiest hands as you can see by my squigglies!.. it's alright though, the pipe fit really snug, and down the road, I'll put some stove pipe putty around the seam.
Step 6: Last Step
I placed some patio blocks under the fireplace to give it some stability as well as safety. Placed in some dry tinder as well as some kindling. I'm ready to grab a cold one and light this thing up!
Step 7: The End
And that's it. A really easy to do, and fun project. They say everything happens for a reason, and maybe this is the reason nobody wanted to buy my L.P fireplace! Another idea that crossed my mind was to turn this into a planter. I think that would have been just as fun to do, and easier as well. I did put the screen back on the front, but it comes off easily for when we want to make smore's or cook a hotdog or two!