Introduction: Paper Water Level Indicator Circuit With Paper Transistor

take a paper and penile 

List of material need
1. Paper (any book are note paper )  
2. Pencil  (any one )
3. LED  (20 mA  small LED)
4. Wire single strand
5. Sticking tape
6. Battery (6 volt 4.5ah or 12 volt 7ah for best result )

Step 1:

draw a transistor shape using pencil

Step 2:

using pencil fill the shape with dark shade


Step 3:

add LED like an image connect  positive to LED anode and cathode to an paper transistor collector using sticking tape

see video for paper transistor 

Step 4:

using pencil draw a ring at base of transistor and fill with pencil shading

Step 5:

please metal glass on top of the ring and connect battery like positive to an LED anode and negative to an emitter of paper transistor 

Step 6:

make a  positive extinction like blue wire for level point  

Step 7:

now dip a blue wire with out touching metal wall  to a water filled metal glass so the positive trigger is given to the base so LED switch off