Introduction: Darth Maul Double Sided Lightsaber (knex)

Its not brilliant but i have just finished my new double sided lightsaber. It is red and the hilt/shaft is grey.

you will need:

40 red rods
4 grey rods
12 white connectors

Step 1: Hilt/shaft

to make the hilt/shaft connect the 4 grey rods to the 2 white connectoirs as shown:

Step 2:

attach the the 20 red rods togethor with the 5 white connectors. make two of these.

Step 3: Put Them Together

attach the 2 lighsaber blades to the hilt/shaft as shown:

Step 4:

you have now finished your double sided lightsaber. you can use the same idea to make a single bladed lightsaber or you can modify your double to your liking. remember to comment!