Introduction: Quick, Cheap, Easy, Compact, Yet Effective NERF Shotgun

About: Any and all people who dislike resident evil clearly need to be hospitalized. anyone who disagrees with this statement also needs to be hospitalized.
This shotgun can save your life during a NERF war, as the darts spread out as they travel, making it almost impossible not to hit your target. it costs about 1$ to make, and it can easily be stored in a pocket.

Step 1: Supplies

You need one of the small spring powered kind of party poppers, and 7 NERF streamlined darts.

Step 2: Disassembly

Fire your party popper into a trashcan (to prevent making a mess) then pull out the turning piece. along with the turning piece should come the plunger and the spring.

Step 3: Reloading

push the plunger towar the turning piece until the top of the pole sticks out a little ways of the hole in the top of the plunger.

Step 4: Locking Into Place

lock the plunger in place by twisting it 90 degrees, so that the top of the pole is stuck above the hole in the plunger.

Step 5: Completion

snap the turning piece back into the bottom of the tube, making sure you put it in the same side it came out of.

Step 6: Inserting the Darts

stick the 7 darts into the end of the tube, and you're ready to go! the darts fly 14-15 feet (its meant to be a last resort at close range) and they spread out about 3-4 feet. one extra thing to do is take the orange attaching piece from the recon's sight and tape it on, so you can slide the shotgun onto the rails of your main gun.