Introduction: "Textbook" Hidden Compartment
In this 'ible I will show you how to make a kewl contraband smuggling device (perfect for school).
Step 1: Choose a Book
I choose an old accounting textbook that my dad didnt want, preferably hard back this will make it stronger and safer, (for whatevers inside).
Step 2: What You Need
you will need:
a craft knife
a drill
clamps x2
a book
a craft knife
a drill
clamps x2
a book
Step 3: Draw Your Hole
Mark out the shape of your hole, make sure its not too close to the sides (to prevent tearing later on) mines about 4 centimetres/ 1 and a half inches from the sides.
Step 4: Drill the Holes
drill through the book along the the outline, put clamps on either side of the marking so the pages are tightly squished together, you will need to make lots of individual holes very close together, make sure not to drill through the cover
Step 5: Cut the Hollow Out
using the craft knife cut along the holes and just tear the pages out after. Its just homemade perferated paper essentialy
Step 6: Glue It Together
rub glue into the inside of the hollow make sure its getting inbetween the pages as the book will not hold things efficently if it doesnt. leave it to dry for 24 hours, put the clamps on either side of the hole the pressure will help it too dry stronger
Step 7: The Finished Product
Taa Daa you now have a smuggling compartment textbook, if you put it out in front of you with an ipod in it like you are reading you can actualy get away with watching movies on an ipod, its also a good place too put money if somone in your class has sticky fingers.