Introduction: Ramen Noodle Beef Jerky Dinner

About: i like some things, dislike some things and dream of world peace. (something completely imposible as long as our species exists in the population amounts we do.)
now, the idea for this came to me at about the same time as the recipe for the ramen beef stroghenoff. this one was infanitely easier, and so will be shared sooner.

ok, for this meal you will need the following:

1pkg. oriental ramen noodles
beef jerky - chopped
1/2c. dried/frozen peas*
1/3c. dried/frozen corn*
1/3c. dried/frozen carrots*
3 Tbl. sp. dried/frozen onion*

*for simplicity, use mixed vegetables.

Step 1: Step 1

fill the sauce pan with water. thats sounds like a no duh to me, but then again, what do i know. but yeah, once you have the pan filled about 2/3-3/4 of the way full, set on the stove and turn the burner to high.

Step 2: Step 2

add the dried/frozen ingredients to the water along with the jerky and a seasoning packet. let cook until rehydrated.

Step 3: Step 3

add the noodles. cook untill the noodles are soft and then serve. makes about 2-3 servings.

Step 4: Step 4

serve and enjoy.

cook time: roughly 30-45 min.