Introduction: Remove the Ratcheting on the Click Wheel of a Mouse
Have an old mouse lying around? Want to stop the even clicking of the mouse? How about taking out the ratcheting mechanism out. I found that it is just a little spring to be removed and then lubricating the wheel.
Step 1: Materials
you will need just two simple parts to complete this.
a mouse
a mouse
Step 2: Taking Apart the Mouse
first unscrew the mouse. The case should pop apart fairly easily.
Step 3: De Ratcheting
now we will take out the spring. this is pushing into bumps along the inside of the wheel and causing uniform clicks.
Step 4: Making It Spin
We will need to use graphite to make it spin freely. take your graphite and graphite on both sides of the axles. now spin it and add a little more. do this until it spins freely.
Step 5: Putting It Back Together
We now need to put the mouse back together. click the wheel back into its hole, and put the cover back on