Introduction: Roasted Butternut Squash

About: Hi! I'm a slightly feral mountain hermit that likes to be helpful. I do community management at Instructables & Tinkercad. 🙌 Want to hear me chat about making? Search "CLAMP Podcast" on YouTube or your favorit…
Roasting is my favorite way to prepare butternut squash - it has so much more flavor than steaming it or cooking it at a lower temp. :D

Plus, it's quick and simple - roasting a butternut squash only takes about a half hour, so it's a nice quick side for whatever else you're eating.

I roasted this butternut squash for my mini-thanksgiving-how-to. More info on that later!


Step 1: What You'll Need

  • a butternut squash
  • olive oil
  • salt & pepper
  • (optional but tasty) fresh sage

You'll also need a rimmed baking sheet and an oven preheated to 400 F.

Step 2: Peel Your Squash and Remove the Seeds

Cutting off the top and bottom of the squash will give you better stability. :D

Peel it using a nice sharp knife and scoop the seeds out.

Step 3: Cut Into Small Pieces and Pop in the Oven

Cut the squash into 1 1/2 - 2 inch pieces and put them on the baking sheet. Add a few glugs of olive oil and add a good amount of salt and pepper. If you're using sage, pluck off 8-10 of the leaves.

Mix it all together with your hands until everything is nicely coated with oil.

Roast at 400 F for 25-30 minutes, or until soft. Toss everything around halfway through the cooking time so none of the pieces get too browned. :)