Introduction: Simple Solar Robot

About: problem? didn't think so.
in this instructable i am going to show you how to build a simple solar powered robot.

(the pictures below are in order from the list)

like any project you will need some parts and tools.

1x solarbotics scc2224
1x 1.5-3 volt pager motor
3x paper clips
google eyes
wire (to make antennae)

wire cutters
ca or super glue
soldering iron
hot glue gun
clamp (optional)

Step 1: The Body

first begin by gluing the motor to the underside of the solar cell with ca glue. note how the power leads are facing the solar cell's connection pads. clamp if necessary until the glue dries. again the pictures are in order so if you get stuck look at the pretty pictures.

Step 2: Soldering

trim the motor wires if necessary (mine were trimmed before hand).  solder the black wire to the pad marked - and the red wire to the pad marked + . it should look somewhat like the one in the picture.

Step 3: Test

test the body by sticking it under a bright lamp or in some bright sunlight. you should feel some vibrations.

Step 4: Leg Preparation

set the body aside for a second and bring out the paper clips. start by unfolding them as in the second picture. then with the wire cutters cut the smaller end off. after that take the big end and cut off any extra until you have a u shape as in picture three. then cut off the semi circle part of the u, until you have two equal metal "legs". repeat three times

Step 5: Finish the Bot

apply a bead of hot glue along one side of the motor can,as in pic. two warning do not get the glue on the spinning part of the pager motor or the bot will not work. then quickly stick three legs into the glue as in pic.three. level them out then repeat on the other side. i recommend that you add more glue to the motor can to seal the legs in as pic.four. then you are done.

Step 6: Extra Stuff

you can leave it as it is and play with it, or you can make it look like a bug as i did. all i did was i glued some big google eyes to the side of the solar cell, and shaped some wire to make antennae.