Introduction: Simple Toilet Paper Holder That Works
This is only a piece of scrap wood cut under 60° and mounted on a wall
It works very well also for paper towels.
Step 1: Cut
The thickness of the piece is depending from the hole of your paper roll.
You can also use a round dowel (may be better)
cut it under 60° ( i also tried 45° but 60° works better)
the length depends if you make it for a toilet paper roll (shorter) or for a paper towel (longer)
Step 2: Drill a Hole
mark the position for the hole
drill a bigger hole for the screw head,
then with a smaller one through the wood
Step 3: Sanding and Finishing (optional)
use that finish you want.
Step 4: Attach Double Sided Adhesive Tape
and cut the excess
Step 5: Mount It on the Wall
pull the paper sidewards to roll
pull the paper downward to tear
Step 6: See This Video for All Steps
and how well it works