Introduction: Smoke Grenade/bomb

About: one third off all stuff on instructable is lame the second third is just knex(lame) and the last third is awsome!!

  I am not responsible for anything you do with grenades

Mix sugar and KNO3 50/50 and put in to the bottle.   (The sugar and the KNO3 must be well mixed).

Now take two matches, put a cord between them and tape around, but the cord must be long enough so that goes down in the mix.
Glue it with hot glue into the opening of the bottle so it does not come loose. Obstruct the whole opening with hot glue.

Take and cut out one of the strips on the side of matchboxes, the one that you pull the match against.
It must be a little bit wider than the two matches which are glued to the bottle.

Remove and fold the strip in half and insert a ring, attach the stripe over the matches and the fuse and put a rubber band around so that the strip and the ring is over matches, it's the ring that you pull when you get turned on by the grenade.Now is the grenade ready!:)

Have fun!:)

Step 1: