Introduction: Spy Kit $20-$30 !!!!

About: I like building things, especially gadgets. The things I make are usually useful, odd, funny, or pointless.
This is my first instructable so pleez be nice. in this instructable i will show you how to make a two piece spy kit with spy glasses and pocket recorder

Step 1: Supplies

1. plastic sun glasses. cost: $5-$20
2.small box. cost: $0-$3
4.color tinted plastic sheets (plastic wrap colored with markers works to) $1-$10
5. some sort of recording and playback mechanism( i bought mine from radio shack and the link is here you can diy with other instructables)
6. some sort of glue(i used hot glue)

Step 2: Sunglasses Assembly

cut the colored plastic so it fits on top of the sunglasses' lenses(see  pic 3) and make sure it fits before you glue it in place.

Step 3: Recording Thingy

if you bought the recording thingy this step is pretty simple. take the small box and put the recording thingy in it. cut a hole in the box so u can reach the button/switch(pic 3) . note: make sure to take out the battery when u are not using it to save power.

Step 4: Xtra's

for the box i used the 1 it came in. i used green plastic to get the night vision effect. ill be happy to answer any ?s im happy to hear about ur mods on my design. be sure to rate!