Introduction: Survival Pen You Can Take to School!
this is a little thing i came up with earlier: a pen with matches, tape, foil, and rubber bands that you could virtually take out in class and not get noticed! Supplies needed: rubber bands for braces, matches, tin foil, tape and a bic pen. (you can variate on these supplies)
Step 1: Deconstruction
Take out the guts of the pen (ink and black end thingy) as shown in pic.
Step 2: Reconstruction
Wrap your tape around something small, so it fits in the pen, wrap the aluminum foil around a match, and wrap the rubber bands in tape so it fits in the pen. Now pack it all in the pen, but not so tight that it gets stuck.
Step 3: Close It Up!
Pack a few more match heads in the lid and close it. Voila! you are now ready to safely take survival materials to school in case of zombie invasion or other disaster.