Introduction: Sweet Easy Knex Sniper

small smi powerful knex sniper rifle that is very easy to build uses a very good block trigger and has an awesome stock

please dont make any bad comments this is a first time instructable constructive criticism accepted

Step 1: The Butt

this is the butt of the stock fairly simple

Step 2: Stock/ Handle

1. build two of these

2. connect like so

Step 3: Barrel Extension

build this (fairly simple)

Step 4: Ramrod/ Trigger System

this is the main part of the gun that has the trigger and ramod

Step 5: Put It Together

putit together likethe name says

Step 6: Add Rubberband

add the rubber bands where the pics say to

Step 7: FIRE!!!!!!

time to fire!!!!!!!!!!!

pull back rammrod and load ammo through muzzle (note may need to use rod to pushammo al the way in)