Introduction: Umbrella Beach Bag

About: i am an artist and musician. i make things of use out of things that no longer have use. i think the hip term is "upcycling." i post a lot of inspirational and entertainment videos on occa…

here's a silly one i put up just to enter mikes summer hacks contest: last summer a friend challenged me to upcycle his broken umbrella into something useful. i wanted to do better than a chandelier so i used the part most upcyclists would overlook to make a beach bag. simply sew then ends over, run some cordage through and enjoy a simple, waterproof cinch bag - with built in sand removal system.

thanks for watching,


squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Participated in the
squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

Summer #mikehacks Contest

Participated in the
Summer #mikehacks Contest

Great Outdoors Contest

Participated in the
Great Outdoors Contest