Introduction: Use Any Sandpaper on an Orbital Sander
Im going to show you how to use any sandpaper you want on an orbital sander. Lets say you were sanding a solid cedar table, but you run out of sandpaper for your orbital sander or don't have a fine enough grit, or your sister did a "craft" with the rest of your sanding pads and you can't go to a hardware store because you can not drive yet. If so here is the instructable for you.
Step 1: Materials
here is what I used
- 1/4 inch plywood
-spray adhiesive
-an old sanding pad
-sandpaper (duuhh)
- 1/4 inch plywood
-spray adhiesive
-an old sanding pad
-sandpaper (duuhh)
Step 2: Cutting a Circle Thingy
Trace an outline of the outside of your sander and cut it out. I used my bandsaw to cut it out
Step 3: Gluing Stuff to the Circle Thingy
now that you have your circle cut out glue the old spent sanding pad to the wood fuzzy side up. I used a combination of superglue and hot glue to achieve this.
When that is done apply whatever type of sandpaper you want to the other side. I used some purple p400 I have an abundance of.
When that is done apply whatever type of sandpaper you want to the other side. I used some purple p400 I have an abundance of.
Step 4: Finish
now trim the paper (or not) and start sanding.