Introduction: Vbs Net Send Messenger

About: I have a great interest in CyberSecurity. I like to work with different OS, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi. I love being a Firefighter/EMT.
Here is the instructible on how to make a Net Send Messenger using Visual Basic Script (vbs).
I used vbs instead of batch because i don't like to use batch. Batch is too simple.
Just to let you know, this is my first instructible. I hope you like it!

Comment if you want!

Step 1: Step 1... Writing the Script

Open NotePad and copy and paste this code into Notepad.

Dim x
Dim y

set oShell = createobject("")

x = InputBox("Enter User or IP","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92")

y = InputBox("Enter Messege","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92") "net send "& (x) &" "& (y) &""

Step 2: Step 2... Interpretation of Script

Dim x = declaring variables
Dim y = declaring variables

set oShell = createobject("") = calls and makes the object

x = InputBox("Enter User or IP","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92") = asks you for username or IP.

y = InputBox("Enter Messege","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92") = Enter messege "net send "& (x) &" "& (y) &"" = starts net send and inputs the username/ IP and messege into the program. Then it sends it.

Step 3: Step 3...Saving the Script and Testing Messenger

Once you have the script copied and pasted into NotePad, you have to save it.

Save the scripting as Messenger.vbs

*Once you have done that test it out.

If you have any problems, suggestions,or questions, send me a message.