Introduction: Water Deodorant Spray

About: if you don't have it. Make it!
this instructable show how to put water in a spray deodorant can .

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

EMPTY adjustable disposable lighter ( im not sure if this can be done with non adjustable lighters also)
EMPTY spray deodorant can
water ( not shown in picture)

Step 2: Disassemble the Lighter

after you assemble the lighter their should be a nozzle on the under side of the nozzle there should be a brass end cap, remove this. this may require pliers or it may not.

(check picture 2 for more details)

Step 3: Insert Here

insert the nozzle from the lighter in to the business end of the syringe

Step 4: Extraction

extract all of the contents of the spray can

to do this push down on the spray can and pull back the syringe
do this until the can creates a vacuum of sorts.
( no way to better explain it)

Step 5: Injection

inject water or whatever into the the can. do this until you feel there is enough contents in the spray can .
next, inject the spray can with air

do these two things the same way as step four but instead you will be injecting not extracting

Step 6: Have Fun

this can be done with many liquids (except diesel)feel free to color the water or use some other liquid like lighter fluid just be careful and have fun.