Introduction: Paper Finger Snowboard

look like
sorry about blurry pictures..

Step 1: Items You Need

1. aluminum foil
2. thick paper (construction paper works fine)
3. double sided tape
4. scissors
5. electrical tape (optional)
6. markers (optional)

Step 2: Step 1

first take the paper and draw a snow board shape on it. you may add designs to it also.

Step 3: Step 2

now cut out the snowboard.

Step 4: Step 3

now, use the double sided tape on the cut out snowboard and stick it on a piece of thick paper

Step 5: Step 4

now cut it out, again

Step 6: Step 5

now stick your finger on a piece auminum foil, and measure it

Step 7: Step 6

now make it into a boot and repeat steps 6 and 7 and then tape it to the board!
(blurry pics) sory!