Introduction: Wooden Slingshot
So i wanted to make slingshot to take care of some doves that nested under my roof and i cant sleep caus of em so this is what i made . :)
Step 1: Geting Started
So i began with a piece of Y wood it is black locust and it has been drying for about a year maybe more.
Step 2: Cutting and Taking of Bark
here i used saw to cut it into shape that i will be using as final product.
Step 3:
here you can see that i've finished taking of bark and sanded it
Step 4: Cutting Nothces
so i took a rasp and cut a little grooves so rubber will sit well and wont fly off when you shot at something
Step 5: Burning Ends
i wanted to this for esstetic reason and to close wood for insects . I used soldering iron
Step 6: Putting on Clear Finish
I wanted to use used engine oil to soak it in it and leave it for day or two, but i ran out of it so i put it in clear lacquer and left it there for and hour for each side and then left it to drie for a day
Step 7: Making ,,puch`` for Ammo
i didnt have real leather but i had its replacemant so i glued 2 of em together , cut it into shape put holse into it and used soldering iron to make it into seemles piece
Step 8: Final Product
i skipped to take a photo when i was putting on rubbers so here is what i got at the end. Its not to strong but it has quite a good range though. I dont have ball bearings here but i useed a nut and bolt thing m6 to shoot at birds and its good against them :)