Introduction: Wooden Tongs.

About: I'm all about making the world a happier and friendlier place.
OK guys, I got a quick easy project for you today, this is how to make a pair of wooden tongs. I like to use them for cooking outside, camping, that kinda thing. so let's get to it.

Step 1: Materials

alright, all you need is some wood, and a rubber band. the wood I used was bamboo, from an old chopping board that had started to split. I'm sure you can use any wood, but I would probably stay away from treated woods if you gonna be handling food with them. I cut my 2 sections, 1-1/4" wide by 9" long, you can do whatever size you want. I also tapered the ends down, to make it easier to slide under your food, or whatever it is your trying to pick up. then I cut I small wedge 1-1/4" x 1/4 ", and tapered it off towards the back.

Step 2: Assembly

next you wanna take your 2 pieces and place them together, and then wrap the elastic band close to the end.

Step 3: Finished Product.

now all you do is push your wedge in as close to the band as possible, the tapered end facing the band, and their you have it, a pair of handy tongs. enjoy guys.