Introduction: Wooden Wing Chun Dummy

Wing chun?, Basically wing chun, it´s one of the most practical and amanzingly effective martial arts, created by Yin-wing chun.
another amazing fact about this wing chun it´s that the great martial artist Bruce Lee, had wing chung as the base and fundamentals of his famous body weapon jet kun do. 

for more info about wing chun:

Now, what I present to you in this photos it´s a wing chung dummy, witch it´s one greatest tool to really get into wing chun and train yourself in the dicipline.
The wing chun dummy consists of a tree trunk witch it´s the body of the dummy, inserted on some angles it has three arms and a leg, this simulates the figure of another human been. 

I got into martial arts 4-5 years ago, and discovered wing chun like a year ago thanks to my kung fu master Sifu Alverto Alvarez, who is one of my masters, he gave us the papers and bluprints to make a simple wooden dummy, witch was great, but I wanted to go a little further with.
So, I did a little research about the wooden dummy and found some old blueprints from the wing chun assosiation. 

I didn´t wanted to finish the life a three to make this, so I found a log at the back of my house, from the outside it looked like it was roten but, it was in perfect condition on the inside, and for my surprise it turn out that it´s one of the hardest and best woods here in guatemala, in spanish it´s called "Madre Cacao", this kind of wood was used by people to make the fundations of houses and infrastructures, so it turn out to be a the perfect thing.

with the help of a carpenter we started to work with it, given the fact that the wood was used in constructions, it was a real challenge just to cut it in half, and the fact that the blue print it´s kinda outdated it doesn´t have al the messuraments like angles and little details, we made a lot of mistakes, so we drilled and fiilled and drilled the holes again, and we of course learn a lot from it. 

This has been a terrific expirience, since I got so into wing chun, not only it prepares me for any kind of probable danger that may happen (specially in my country), but I found out that it keeps my body and my soul healthy, it gives my mind strenght to deal with my daily life, and all the challenges in it, besides that as a long term goal at the school (escuela superior de kung fu, El Tigre y El Dragón) it helps us to create minds (students) and human beens so they can create what they want for their lifes, and face all the challenges in their lifes, without fear, and wanting to succed.

As my teacher says "the one who controls others its strong, the one who controls himself shows real power"

Raúl Alvarado Palma
I Made It Photo Contest

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