Introduction: Worlds Smallest Firing Knex Gun
i made this when i was bored, i am not 100% sure that this is the worlds smallest so please post if it is not ( it only uses 4 pieces)
Step 1: What You Need
this is what you need:
1 white conector (8 slots)
1 blue rod
1 black rod/ conector
1 white conector (8 slots)
1 blue rod
1 black rod/ conector
Step 2: Adding Ruberband
make the ruberband only go over the hole once, with the rest keep wrapping it round somewere away from the hole
Step 3: Add Blue Rod
push the blue rod into the hole on the side were the rubberband isnt covering up
Step 4: Add Black Connector/rod
push it on the end of the blue rod which has been through the hole and should have a bit of elastic on the end of it
Step 5: Firing the Gun
to fire the gun, hold onto the black rod/connect and pull it back, this should force the blue rod to get forced out of the hole, if the rubberband is weak try a yellow rod