Introduction: Your Own Collectible Sword
pitiful isn't it ,i made a huge mistake man!!!!!
Step 1: Materials
isn,t it obvious
Step 2: Kut
kut 1 side
Step 3: Water and Glue
mix a few water with glue
Step 4: Now You Have This
cut this out
Step 5: Scronging Time
make tiny sausages or like it with newspaper and cover or stick it to the sword wit tape
Step 6: After Step 5
cover sword with tissue and w&g mixture *aka:paper mache*
Step 7: Optional
if you don't want to wait too long for it to dry, hang the "un-paper mached" part by sticking it to a hanging object using tape
Step 8: And Alas
you finished it just paint what ever color and optional: make a scabbard