Introduction: GrubBot 1.2 - an EasyBot Slideshow

About: I never spend a nanosecond without making stuff! (Mostly MIDI Music right now!) Also, my birthday is February 21st, if anyone would like to give me anything (physical or digital), I'd be most obliged. PM me f…

 Hello, Everyone!
Please allow me to show you one of the simple robots that I made long ago, when I was "Into" that type of stuff - GRUB BOT 1.2!
This little robot:

1 Has a scrub brush head for a main base

2 Runs entirely on 5 Button-Cell batteries

3 Uses a 3.0 Volt Cell phone motor

4 Cleans clockwise in a 4 1/2 Inch circle

5 Has Wiggle Eyes!


1.0 - Originally ran off of two AAA batteries, and no Wiggle Eyes.

1.1 - Discovered that the AAA's were too heavy, so I replaced them with Button-Cells.

1.2 - Added Wiggle Eyes.

This little guy can clean up Everything! Well, as long as you call "Everything" dust bunnies. However, I'm planning to produce a GRUB BOT - SUCTION EDITION, which will have rotating scrub brushes and a vacuum system - Based on my estimations, it will be able to clean anything from crumbs to broken eggs! (Honestly, this thing will be POWERFUL.) Get back to you on that then!
  Win Guy

I Made It Photo Contest

Third Prize in the
I Made It Photo Contest

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