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LocationCentral TexasJoined
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1K+ Comments Earned a gold medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Crock Pot Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Crock Pot Challenge
Let's Party! Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Let's Party! Challenge
Healthy Eating Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Healthy Eating Contest
Homebrew & Cocktails Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Homebrew & Cocktails Contest
Holiday Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Holiday Contest
Potluck Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Potluck Contest
Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Share Your Garden Photo Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Share Your Garden Photo Contest
Humana Health Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Humana Health Challenge
Sugru Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Sugru Contest
Back to School Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Back to School Contest
Krylon Summer Projects Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Krylon Summer Projects Contest
Beauty Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Beauty Contest
Cocktails vs. Mocktails Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Cocktails vs. Mocktails Contest
Homemade Holidays Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Homemade Holidays Contest

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