Introduction: 11 Ways to Hide Valuables in Places No Thief Would Ever Think to Look
So today imma show y'all 11 ways to hide valuables no thief would ever think to look.
Step 1: Find a Bad Rubik's Cube
So, first, find a bad Rubik's cube.
Step 2: Take Out One of the Side Pieces.
Take out one of the side pieces.
Step 3: Take Out the Corner Piece.
Step 4: Open the Corner Piece
Step 5: Find Something Small, But Valuable.
I used some earrings.
Step 6: Put It All Back Together...
Et voila! No one but you knows it's there!
Step 7: Find a Remote Control No One Is Using
I used my old drone remote.
Step 8: Unscrew the Cover
Step 9: Put in Some 💵💵💵 Money Money Money 💲💲💲
Step 10: Put It All Back Together...
and pretend nothing happened.
Step 11: Find a Doormat
Step 12: Turn It Over
Step 13: Find a Piece of Cloth the Same Colour As the Bottom of the Rug and Glue It On
Step 14: Put the Key in the Little Pouch, and No One Should See It.
Step 15: Find a Lantern With an Unscrewable Top.
Step 16: Take Off the Top
Step 17: Put Your Valuables In
Step 18: Put It All Back Together and Don't Forget About It.
Step 19: Get a Sharpie
Step 20: Take Out the Top of the Marker, Then the Ink Thing (i Dunno What It's Called)
Step 21: Throw It Out
Step 22: Put the Money In
Step 23: Put the Top Part of the Marker Back On
Step 24: Put the Cap Back on and Pretend Nothing Ever Happened
Step 25: Take a Mask With a Slit for a Filter
Step 26: Open It
Step 27: Put Some Money In, and Put It Somewhere Where You Won't Forget
Step 28: Find an Empty Jar
Step 29: Put a Toilet Paper Cardboard Thing in the Jar and Put Something Around It Like Buckwheat or Rice
Step 30: Find Your Valuables, Put Them in the Carboard Tube.
Step 31: Close the Jar, and Make Sure the Tube Isn't Visible
Step 32: Find a Printer, Open the Tray, and Lift the Paper
Step 33: Put the Money In, Put the Paper Back, Close the Tray, and No One Should Expect Any Money There
Step 34: Find a Box of Rubber Gloves
Step 35: Take One Out and Put Some Valuables In
Step 36: I Also Put a Credit Card In
Step 37: Then Put It Back Like Nothing Happened
Make sure it looks a little messy, not like someone just put it back in.
Step 38: Find Some Picture or Portrait
I used this portrait of Rachmaninoff