Introduction: 14 Homemade Natural Cleaners
I love making my own household products, particularly cleaners. They are so easy to make, all natural and smell great! Most importantly, they don't contain toxic chemicals! These natural disinfectants use herbs, essential oils, vinegar and other basic items you likely have in your home already. These recipes make 16 ounces of cleaner that you can store in a spray bottle. I really like the glass spray bottle. It is always best to shake before each use to make sure all the ingredients are mixed well for proper cleaning.
1. Basic Countertop Cleaner: Combine 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cup vinegar. Top it off with distilled water.
2. Tea Tree Cleaner: Combine 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Top it off with distilled water.
3. Tea Tree & Lavender Cleaner: Combine 10 drops of lavender and 10 drops of tea tree essential oil with distilled water.
4. Lavender Spray: Combine 20 drops of lavender essential oil with distilled water.
5. Herb-Infused Spray: Put organic herbs such as rosemary, mint, sage, etc. in a mason jar filled half way. Top it off with apple cider vinegar. Let it infuse for approximately 6 weeks. Swirl weekly. Strain the herbs then add the liquid into spray bottle. Top it off with distilled water.
6. Borax Cleaner: Mix 1/2 cup Borax for every gallon of water.
7. Borax & Vinegar Cleaner: Combine 2 tablespoons Borax and 4 tablespoons vinegar then top it off with distilled water.
8. Rosemary Cleaner: Combine 20 drops of rosemary essential oil with distilled water.
9. Pine Cleaner: Combine 12 drops of pine essential oil with 1/2 teaspoon witch hazel and top it off distilled water.
10. Grapefruit & Lemon Cleaner: Combine 10 drops of grapefruit and 10 drops of lemon essential oil with 1 cup vinegar. Top it off with distilled water.
11. Citrus Vinegar Cleaner: Fill a mason jar with fresh citrus peels then add vinegar. Let it infuse for about a month, swirling at least once a week. Strain the peels then add liquid to spray bottle. Top it off with distilled water.
12. Thyme Cleaner: Combine 10 drops thyme essential oil with 1 cup vinegar. Top it off with distilled water.
13. Vodka Cleaner: Combine a squirt of castile soap with 2 tablespoons of vodka, 10 drops of lavender essential oils and 5 drops of oregano essential oil. Top it off with distilled water.
14. Vinegar: Vinegar makes a great cleaner by itself. Just dilute it 50/50 with distilled water. I use this one on my floors with 10 drops of essential oils added.