Introduction: #16 Fusion Wednesday - Flexible Shaft Coupling | Fusion 360 | Pitacchio Graphic

About: Channel dedicated to learning Autodesk Fusion 360, Blender e Affinity Designer.

Look how easy is to make a Flexible Shaft Coupling for CNC on Fusion 360.

Follow the tutorial video:

Follow my youtube channel tutorial:


Software that was used in this project:

OBS Studio: Record the screen

Fusion 360: CAD design and PDF drawing instructions

Affinity Designer: Make the thumbnail

Affinity Publisher: Make the Technical Drawing E-Book

Step 1: 2D Sketch

Start followwing the 2D sketch.

Step 2: Extrude

Make a cilinder with 19mm of diameter and a 25mm depth, after make a hole with 8mm of diameter and a 14mm depth. Another hole with 5mm and a 11mm depth.

Step 3: Side Hole

Space between the two M3/0,5mm hole are 16mm and 4,5mm of the bottom.

Step 4: Flexible Shaft

Make a coil profile using the 2D sketch.