Introduction: Ayrton Senna Bookshelves

About: Channel dedicated to learning Autodesk Fusion 360, Blender e Affinity Designer.

This bookshelve is in honor of Ayrton Senna, the 3 times F1 world champion


Software that was used in this project:

Autodesk Fusion: CAD design and PDF drawing instructions

Step 1: Bookshelves Overview

To build this bookshelf I made this drawing with the project measurements and part list.

Step 2: Side

Follow the drawing with measurements


Step 3: Base

Follow the drawing with measurements


Step 4: Airfoil

Follow the drawing with measurements

Step 5:

Fasten the pieces using the brackets to the wall

Books and Bookshelves Contest

Participated in the
Books and Bookshelves Contest