Introduction: 2 Player Pong PCB

In this guide you can build a portable 2 player pong game. This design was created around code posted on GitHub by Onur Avun. I enjoyed creating this project, I hope you enjoy building it.

Step 1: Get Materials

This is a PCB project, so it needs basic soldering tools. I strongly recommend using lead free solder and PCB

PCB Gerber file is below, or you can access the project at EasyEDA

JLCPCB has a great price for lead free PCBs of this size

Using a switching regular like the VX7805-500 will use less battery but costs more than a LM7805 linear regulator. Each have different capacitor requirements.

You can use a power supply up to 30V, but you need to make sure the capacitor between the barrel jack and 5V regulator is rated at a higher voltage than the supply. Also, if using a LM7805, also check heatsink requirements, higher voltage means greater heat. This project with a LM7805 seems to run fine at 9V without heatsink.


1 AVR Programmer shield and an Arduino use with it.

5K Potentiometer

1 Nokia 5100 LCD Module

1 28 pin socket

Step 2: Program ATMEGA328

Program the chip before soldering. I used a socket, so I can remove the chip.
Need to program an Arduino for the AVR Programming Shield

Upload the "Arduino as ISP sketch" [File] -> [Examples] -> [Arduino as ISP].

Attached the AVR Programming Shield to Arduino

Socket ATMEGA328 chip on the AVR Programming Shield

Select the Programmer, [Tools] -> [Programmer] -> [Arduino as ISP] Set program bootloader, [Tools] -> [Burn Bootloader]

Open 2Player Pong Sketch in Arduino software

Upload pong sketch, [File] -> [Upload using programmer]

Step 3: Build

Solder parts matching silk screen on PCB. If you want to use the cheaper LM7805 voltage regulator, solder it in SMPS footprint and substitute the 10uf capacitor with 1uf and 22uf with 100nf capacitor. Tantalum capacitors go next to the LM117T 3.3V regulator, don't forget to put longer leads into the + holes. Solder screen, resistor and ceramic capacitors first, then the taller components. Clip bottom leads and make sure there isn't any sharp points on the bottom. Use good amount or thicker solder on barrel jack and potentiometers for strength.