Introduction: 2 Pocket Paper Pocket

Here's a simple little Paper Pocket for holding SD Cards, Keys.. etc. This idea came from jaknife1102's Paper Poppers.

Step 1: Get Paper

Get 1 peice of paper. Yeah. 1.

Step 2: Fold, Fold, Fold...

Now here's the folding part

Fold 1: Fold Hamburger style. Unfold. (pic 1+pic 2)
Fold 2: Bring one side into the line. (pic 3 (blurry shot)
Fold 3: After fold 2, bring over making a normal peice of paper look (pic 4)
Fold 4: Fold the Unfolded side over the folded peice. Making a strip. (pic 5)
Fold 5: Fold strip in half (missed a pic).
Fold 6: The stand should be made. Now it will be standing. Take the upright peice and push the sides. A Pocket will be made. (You can do it on both bottom and top) (pic 6).

Step 3: You Are Done!!

Enjoy your new Paper item!!