Introduction: 2100 Volt Potato Cooker!

About: I'm a diy experimenter and like reusing old electronics for the parts on their pcbs. High voltage ⚡ really interests me. Tesla coils flyback transformers, also like making effect pedals from old pcb boards.

Copper wire
Wire cutters
Scrap wood

Step 1: Safety!

You will be working with extremely dangerous levels of electricity! Only attempt this instructable if you have experience with high voltage and safety precautions.

Get an old microwave from the trash or thrift store.
Remove the outer cover.

Touch a well insulated screwdriver to one terminal of the capacitor and the metal case, and the the other terminal to the case. You may see a flash and hear a pop. This means the capacitor is discharged.

Its also a good idea to wear some good rubber gloves while working inside the microwave.

Step 2: Get That Step Up Transformer

You'll need to remove the transformer.
Its the big iron block with wires.
You can cut the wires going to the very small coil in the center of the transformer.
Keep the wires going to the big coil with thick windings.
Also keep the thick wire going to the other big coil with more thinner windings. The high voltage ground is the actual transformer case (you can connect a wire to the bottom of the transformer using the same screws used to mount it inside the microwave).

Step 3: Connect It to Your Cooking Platform

I used a piece of scrap lumber and mounted 2 bare copper wires on either side.
You can adjust the wires to form 2 platforms (for potato to rest on while cooking) keep them at least an inch apart to prevent arcing.
Hook up the 2 high voltage wires one on each copper wire.

Step 4: Cook That Potato

You can hook the power cord that came on the microwave up the the lower voltage primary coil (thick windings).

So it works best if you cut the potato in half lengthwise.
Place the potato half on both copper terminals and stand back (dont do this in any wet or metal surfaces).
Plug it in and watch it fry that potato.
(I wouldn't recommend eating the potato unless you have something like stainless steel wire or nails)