Introduction: 2D With a Little Extra Dimension Boo
I got the idea to build this from another instructable ( ) I've just recently been building things since I've been cleaning the garage and found tools and a mass of wood that I did not know I had. This is my first instructable and at this point I'm only hoping to get better at this stuff.
Step 1: Materials
Materials for this instructable are as follows:
Picture of boo
A saw to cut curved lines (scroll saw)
assorted colors of paint
Sheet of wood
straightedge for the grid (a level)
A drill + drillbits
Any means of sanding down rough edges (a rasp)
Picture of boo
A saw to cut curved lines (scroll saw)
assorted colors of paint
Sheet of wood
straightedge for the grid (a level)
A drill + drillbits
Any means of sanding down rough edges (a rasp)
Step 2: Gridding
Start by finding the image online, just by searching boo shield yield ample results. Get the image split it into equal sized parts to make a grid. Once this is completed on the picture, repeat the process on whatever wood you decide to use. I used 3/4 inch plywood. Determine how large of a boo you would like, I made each square of the grid 3x3 since it was the max. size I could on the piece of plywood I was using. Once you complete the grid on the wood begin drawing boo onto the wood.
Step 3: Cutting and Sanding
Cut boo as if the arms and tongue did not extend past his circular body. Once you cut it out you are bound to have a few rough edges, or at least I did. Your drawings in the wood for the limbs will be used to add them on later with a different piece of wood, just think of it as a template.
Step 4: Painting
Watch out for pencil marks, my red spray paint wasn't dark enough and I had to sand it off and repaint it. Plywood easily shows when it needs an extra coat, especially white paint. I used red and black spray paint for there parts respectively. Made sure they were covered well enough and did not show pencil marks.
Step 5: Connecting Everything and Finishing Touches.
Now comes the nailing I used 1and 1/2 inch finishing nails to connect the pieces together. Added a little paint over them, and touched up other areas. Good Luck on the eyebrows.
Let me know what you think of this and what I can do to improve this.
Let me know what you think of this and what I can do to improve this.